It is fairly easy to buy or sell Nissan Juke anywhere in South Africa. All you have to do is to visit our website and apply the search according to your need and you will have that model before you that too with ample choices of color and other specifications.
According to our Infographics, average price of used Nissan Juke 2019 model is R 432,500, and average price of used Nissan Juke in Cape Town is R 143,423. Click here to find out complete historical pricing information of Used Nissan Juke.
Chekout the complete list of Popular Dealers for Used Nissan Juke in South Africa. Handy list of Used Nissan Juke dealers in Gauteng, Western Cape, KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape.
vehicle finance available
*3 months bank statement
*proof of residence
*latest payslip
*copy of id document
warranties available
trade in welcome
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
2012 nissan juke 1.6i manual very clean full service history view at 37 vindhella road valhalla centurion call ash 0825051055 toolie 0828334462. ...
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
reward motors
103 rietfontein road
pierre : 082 302 4815
isaiah : 063 409 0903
joubrey : 073 332 4926
andrew : 078 043 9833
alex : 071 87...
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
2015 nissan juke 1.2t hatcback yellow in colour with 51000 km, very nice and clean excellent condition, it's going for r165.000 finance is availabl...
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
Location: Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal
excludes administration, delivery and license registration fees
finance can be arranged
low mileage
one owner
test drives welcome
trade-ins accepte...
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
contact 071 382 7000 0r 012-653-6032 we deliver countrywide by quotation.
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
contact 071 382 7000 0r 012-653-6032 we deliver countrywide by quotation.
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng
Location: Boksburg, Gauteng